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Some technical keywords related to my skills: R, Shiny, SQL, ggplot2, plotly, RMarkdown, Flexdashboard, ShinyDashboard, RMarkdown Website.


Coffee Flavours Popularity

Live demo

Restaurant sells coffee with different toppings and flavours: classic, with milk, honey, mellon, pepper and so on. What flavours customers prefere? We are making rating of the flavours based on sales data. Results are represented as table and visualized as words cloud.

Keywords: R, SQL, Flexdashboard, DataTable, Word Cloud.

Sales Pivot Table

Live demo

Create sales report online in the required form. Just drag and drop table fields and select pivot table parameters.

Keywords: R, SQL, Flexdashboard, DataTable, PivotTable.

Sales Funnel

Live demo

Sales funnel is a customer journey through purchasing process, from first contact to first purchase.

Keywords: R, SQL, Plotly, DataTable, Flexdashboard, Bar Chart.

ABC Customers Analysis

Live demo

ABC analysis helps to find out the value of each customer.

Keywords: R, SQL, Flexdashboard, DataTable, Plotly, Pie Chart, Area Chart


Please contact me on email uolegv@gmail.com